DDB and Parley for the Oceans Announce Partnership for a More Sustainable Future

DDB Worldwide announced it has entered a partnership with Parley for the Oceans, a global environmental organization and impact network focused on driving solutions for climate change, plastic pollution and biodiversity loss with a collaborative, futurists’ approach to environmentalism. DDB and Parley will tap the power of creativity, collaboration and eco-innovation to move people, culture and businesses and invent a better tomorrow.

Both companies will team up to redefine the role of the advertising industry and equip all DDB global leaders and staff with a compressive education program, providing the knowledge and tools to master new challenges associated with the global environmental crisis. DDB will also support Parley in growing its brand reach and scaling global fundraising efforts, helping to multiply the organization’s impact in intercepting harmful pollutants currently contributing to environmental destruction.

We are excited to see this relationship flourish as we are confident Parley will serve as a tremendous asset to help advance our collective commitment in driving real impact to mark positive change within the industry and in the world!

Read more here.

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