DDB Europe launches DDB FRESH, a fashion innovation agency with sustainability at its heart

DDB Europe has announced the launch of DDB FRESH, the world’s first fashion innovation agency for non-fashion brands.

The new agency will focus on creating specialist products and campaigns that permeate culture for the good of the planet, through a combination of fashion, functionality and technology.

DDB FRESH believes that all brands have the ability to become cultural icons and in turn can affect behaviour change to have a positive impact on the ever-evolving issues posed by the climate crisis. It is already in pre-development stage with some of the world’s largest brands on a number of projects.
Darko Silajdžić, Executive Group Chairman, DDB Prague, said: “Our shared passion for innovation and fashion is what gave birth to the new unexpected agency model that is DDB FRESH. Turning brands into cultural icons while nurturing a sustainable world is our purpose and we are beyond excited that the journey has begun.”

The agency will be based in Prague and led by DDB Prague’s Executive Group Chairman, and Founder of gaming agency DDB For The Win, Darko Silajdžić. He will lead a team of fashion and product innovation specialists who have experience of working in fields such as gaming, experience design and advertising for brands such as Adidas, H&M and McDonald’s.

Read more here.

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