DDB Worldwide’s holding company Omnicom also named Creative Company of the Year

CANNES, FRANCE, June 23, 2023 | Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity has named DDB Worldwide Network of the Year for 2023. DDB takes top honors after moving up two spots in the ranking, compared to 2022 and up five spots from 2021. In total, 19 offices contributed to winning a total of 89 trophies, the most of any agency network in the world, including 1 Grand Prix, 1 Titanium, 12 Gold, 25 Silver, and 50 Bronze Lions.

adam&eveDDB’s suicide prevention campaign for CALM x ITV titled, “The Last Photo,” won the prestigious Grand Prix in Film and was the most awarded campaign of the festival with a grand total of 11 Lions.

Marty O’Halloran, Global Chief Executive Officer, DDB Worldwide said, “You don’t get to number one in the world creatively at Cannes Lion Film Festival without tenacity, creative firepower, and fierce determination from an incredibly talented group of people. To say I am proud of the DDB network and every single leader, agency team and external partner who contributed to helping us achieve Network of the Year, is an understatement.”

Ari Weiss, Global Chief Creative Officer, DDB Worldwide said, “I believe Bill Bernbach is smiling down on us today. Not only because we won Cannes Network of the Year, but also how we won it. With a group of incredibly talented people from around the world that wake up every day to prove creativity has the power to move any business forward. The business results have already spoken for themselves. Now creativity gets to take center stage and take credit for those wonderful results.”

The network’s EMEA region took home Regional Network of the Year for EMEA and adam&eveDDB UK Agency of the Year.

DDB Worldwide’s performance at Cannes this year was a key factor in holding company Omnicom winning Cannes 2023 most Creative Company of the Year.

This win for DDB comes on the heels of a historic awards season for the global network. In May, DDB Worldwide was named both Network of the Year and Agency of the Year at the D&AD Awards while DDB Latina was recognized as Top Agency Network at Crema Ranking. At Effie U.S., DDB was named Top Agency Network for the second consecutive year.

The 70th annual Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity represents the definitive benchmark for creativity that drives progress, globally. Held annually in Cannes, France, the Festival is home to the world’s most prestigious advertising awards. Celebrating creativity, effectiveness and innovation within the global advertising, marketing and communication industries.

Click here to explore the award-winning work.

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