National Lottery

Inspiration to take a chance at luck, love and the lottery

adam&eveDDB | National Lottery


adam&eveDDB’s first Christmas campaign for The National Lottery invited the nation to come together and imagine the joy of winning big during festive season.

In an epic TV spot, inspired by some of Britain’s most-loved and festive rom-coms, we see how a chance encounter between two people on a train and a lost National Lottery ticket sets in motion a serendipitous love story. The ad encourages the public to take a chance and believe in the magic of hope and possibility during Christmastime.


“A Christmas Love Story” changed behavior and boosted sales, getting more people playing than ever with 52% of the population claiming they bought a lottery ticket over the Christmas period.

The two largest, daily ticket Lotto sales recorded since 2016 were achieved before the two big Christmas event draws. Total sales across all games saw an uplift of £10.6m.

Our campaign was noticed, engaging, and changed attitudes.

Claimed ad awareness saw a YoY uplift of +4.3% in November 2022, and +9.9% in December 2022. The TVC achieved a SystemOne star score of 5.8 out of 5.9 (measures long-term impact; emotional engagement is the primary factor). Brand consideration increased to 75% by the tail end of the campaign, and into 2023.

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