
Are we expecting a lover or a hater?

adam&eveDDB | Marmite


A recent breakthrough in scientific research has proved that babies in the womb can actually taste what their mothers have eaten. This meant we could finally answer the real question all parents were asking: Are we expecting a boy or girl, Lover or Hater?

With Marmite Baby Scan, adam&eveDDB partnered with the UK’s largest baby scanning clinic, Window to the Womb, and tapped into the curiosity of expectant parents with the promise to find out more about their unborn child.

The agency created a multi-channel recruitment campaign which included TV, press, OOH and even our own twist on a gender reveal film on social, to grab expectant parents’ attention and invite them along to one of our nationwide scanning clinics.

Pregnant mums were given Marmite 20 minutes before scanning them using 4D ultrasound technology and fetal facial analysis to identify whether their unborn babies loved or hated Marmite.

We then sent them home with a range of Lover or Hater merch, including baby grows, bibs and even engraved butter knives.


The campaign generated over 7M earned media impressions within the first week. We saw a 37% increase in online conversation in the two weeks after our campaign launched and a 267% increase in Marmite press coverage the week after our campaign launched.

The campaign was talked about by Net Mums and expectant parents across Britain. It also made front page news in national print media and was featured on national radio.

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