A heartfelt bid for early cancer screenings
Alma | MSK
Cancer is the leading cause of death among Hispanics, accounting for 20% of deaths in the community. Cancer screenings could prevent up to 50% of deaths via earlydetection for certain cancers. Given Hispanics are more likely to have their cancer diagnosed at a late stage, when treatment is often more invasive and less successful, this made the on-time cancer screening message even more important for this community.
To tackle this issue, MSK set out to raise awareness around this healthcare deficiency among Hispanics and underscore the importance of regular screenings. This came to life through Late— a poignant short film that captured the hearts of Hispanics and pointed them to getcheckedatiempo.com, a microsite with tools and information on how to get screened for cancer.
From February 4 to April 23, 2024, the campaign achieved 27.8M impressions: 4.5M from network and local TV, 13M from OOH, and 10.3M on social media. Additionally,we saw 5,315 unique website visits during this campaign period. Of those visitors, 253 individuals (5%) showed high intent by clicking on the “Get Screened” button, taking them to the American Cancer Society website. This represents people whose lives could be positively impacted by getting screened for cancer.
As a pro-bono campaign, the effort leveraged $4M in donated media from media partners, including Telemundo, Google and Univision across local and national outlets.