A video soundbite series where you’ll hear insights from leaders across the DDB Worldwide network. In each video, agency leaders offer tips for success in the creative industry, such as championing creativity across the entire agency, fostering a fun and creative culture, and continuously adapting to changing consumer needs, sustainability, AI, technology, and the ever-evolving world we live in. Take a listen and let us know what YOU think.

Tomas Gonsorcik, Chief Strategy Officer, DDB North America, discusses the need for the advertising industry to shift towards scalable sustainability solutions. He acknowledges the industry’s past focus on showcasing possibilities but emphasizes the importance and urgency of substantive change for global marketers. Tomas highlights DDB’s global partnership with Parley for the Oceans, an environmental organization known for product innovation and raising awareness to protect Earth’s largest and most vital ecosystem. With this partnership, the aim is to address issues like single-use plastic and to boost impactful participation within the environment, focusing on both eco-innovation and effective communication with consumers.

Roisin Rooney, DDB’s Chief People Officer, talks about how DDB created Learning Brain, an online platform for knowledge and development, to help staff across DDB Global network with skillsets, personal development, and more. The Learning Brain is available to all members to help them become successful in the network and to create great creative work together.

Varsha Kaura, DDB’s Global Business Lead Director for Mars, oversees the Mars Wrigley and Pet Care business for DDB and Omnicom across all regions. Varsha discusses how Mars has a strong focus on performance in the real marketplace, listening to its clients and consumers, and leaning into the future by continuously learning and adapting to address the changing needs of consumers.

As Marty O’Halloran, DDB Worldwide’s Global CEO, says: this is a tough and demanding world and so, it is important to find ways to have fun and enjoy camaraderie with colleagues, even while working remotely. Creative work can be rewarding and enjoyable, it is important to make sure that there is an element of fun in the work that is done.

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