2 Minutes With … Eric Zuncic, CSO of DDB North America

As chief strategy officer of DDB North America, Eric Zuncic has architected a multi-disciplinary strategy team that helps clients modernize to a more audience-first, full-stack approach to marketing, measurement and growth.

Prior to joining DDB, Eric was chief strategy officer at Crispin Porter + Bogusky, where he oversaw work for Domino’s, Infiniti, Kraft, American Airlines, Hershey’s and Hotels.com. Eric was also a partner at Mekanism, where he helped the transition from a digital production company to a full-service creative agency.

He is a graduate of the University of Richmond and holds an MBA from Harvard Business School, where he studied innovation and strategy. He lives outside New York City with his wife Grace, son Charlie and daughter Ellie.

Muse by Clio spent two minutes with Eric to learn more about his background, his creative inspirations, and recent work he’s admired.

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