5 Minutes with…Nikki Lamba

Nikki Lamba is DDB’s first ever global chief diversity, equity and inclusion officer, a role that she took at the end of 2020 when DDB was undergoing huge transformation globally and across North America.

In her role, Nikki is responsible for designing and implementing DDB’s global DEI strategy and ensuring that DDB’s core values, The Four Freedoms, are a key driver for agency culture. As part of that revamp, Nikki and the team also established five key behaviors intended to bring the Four Freedoms to life, “allowing us to create greater accountability”. The five behaviors are: empathy, trust, inclusion, humility and drive.

LBB’s Addison Capper caught up with Nikki to discuss the intricacies of driving and managing DEI across a business with offices in 90 countries, the opportunity in defining a new role, and how a global upbringing shapes her life both in and out of work.

Read more here

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