Alexander Kalchev and Paul Ducré Named New DDB Paris CEOs

DDB Paris’ chief executive Jean-Luc Bravi will step aside after nearly 23 years, with Alexander Kalchev and Paul Ducré set to jointly succeed him.

Kalchev will add the co-CEO responsibilities to his current role of executive creative director, a position he has held since 2015, while Ducré has been managing director since 2017. The pair have worked together on and off since 2004.

In partnership, they have been charged with using their combined international experience to elevate DDB’s global reach even further.

“To me, appointing Alexander and Paul as CEOs of DDB Paris is the natural choice. These two highly competitive team players embody the core values that define the strength of our agency: They’re ‘both nice and talented,’” said Bravi in a statement.

Read more here.

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