Andrew Dauska and Rodgers Townsend’s Underdog Mentality

As the CEO of Rodgers Townsend, Andrew Dauska knows how to build a mindset to motivate brand growth – embracing the underdog mentality.

“Most of us have been there at some point in our lives. We know what it’s like to be counted out. And that’s why there is something to appreciate about the underdog—the brand or band of people out-working the competition and keepin’ it scrappy,” said by Dauska.

Accepting the underdog mentality has been part of the DNA of Rodgers Townsend over for 25 years, which is the key to its evolvement and growth. To point out the benefits to embrace the underdog mindset, Dauska encourages people to consider the reason from five perspectives.

“Adjust your mindset to realize that it can be stimulating from the perspective of “how do we move faster, better, stronger, smarter?” Accepting that underdog mentality can open the door to unparalleled invention—and protect a brand’s place in the market.”

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