DDB Asia CCO Eugene Cheong as Jury President for Cannes Lions

The Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity has announced Jury Presidents for this year’s Lions including representatives with DDB Asia Chief Creative Officer Eugene Cheong leading the charge.

“Our presidents are essential in maintaining the integrity of the Lions, and having won hundreds between them, this is a role that I have no doubt they will perform exceptionally well,” said Simon Cook, CEO, Lions.

“This announcement marks the start of the countdown to Cannes Lions, where the global community will come together once again to be inspired by a body of work that will point to a new direction for our industry.”

“Our presidents are essential in maintaining the integrity of the Lions, and having won hundreds between them, this is a role that I have no doubt they will perform exceptionally well,” said Simon Cook, CEO, Lions.

“This announcement marks the start of the countdown to Cannes Lions, where the global community will come together once again to be inspired by a body of work that will point to a new direction for our industry.”

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