DDB Hong Kong: The Team Behind 2023 Gay Games

As physical events make a gradual comeback in the post-pandemic world, Asia is getting ready to host an unusual one – its first-ever Gay Games. Hong Kong is the host city for the 11th edition, which is to be held in 2023 – the previous edition had taken place in 2018 in Paris. The Games are planned as a celebration for thousands of people from a variety of ethnicities, sexual orientations, religions, gender identities, ages, abilities and backgrounds from across the globe.

The mega-event, themed around ‘Unity in Diversity,’ has 36 sporting events planned including dragon boat racing, dodgeball, esports and trail running, as well as arts and culture events, LGBT+ art exhibitions and memorial events to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Gay Games. The Drum looks at what makes the event important and relevant.

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