DDB Named D&AD Network of the Year

For the second year in a row, DDB has been named Network of the Year!! 🎉

Another incredible feat was achieved not once but TWO TIMES with DDB Group Aotearoa NZ and adam&eveDDB both taking home the coveted Black Pencil. Arguably harder to win than the Network of the Year honor.

39 Pencils (2 Black, 4 Yellow, 14 Graphite, and 19 Wood) are making their way home across 10 DDB agencies!

Some highlights include:

💥 DDB Group Aotearoa NZ is taking home the coveted Black Pencil along with 1 Yellow, 1 Graphite, and 1 Brown for Samsung’s iTest

💥 adam&eveDDB is taking home 1 Black, 2 Graphite, and 2 Wood for Hopeline19

💥 DDB Chicago won a Yellow Pencil for Twix Bears

💥 Alma won a Yellow, 2 Graphite, and 3 Wood Pencils for #BetterWithPepsi

💥 DDB Paris won a Yellow Pencil for The Cookie Factory UNESCO


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