DDB New York Welcomes President and Chief Strategy Officer

DDB New York, North America’s flagship office, is reinvigorated with the addition of two new leaders. Darla Price joins as president and Auro Trini Castelli joins as chief strategy office. Both leaders join from other agencies. Price boasts over two decades experience running iconic brands across technology, CPG, retail, beauty and B2B, both domestically and internationally.  Trini Castelli will report to Price on all strategic functions for the office’s clients, playing an instrumental role in fortifying DDB New York’s strategy, digital & design capabilities.

“Darla and Auro join DDB at such a pivotal time for the New York office,” says North America CEO Justin Thomas-Copeland. “These leaders have the pedigree to continue the work of marketers like Bill Bernbach and Phyllis Robinson where they had their start, in New York City. These leaders will bring a fusion of progressive and connected thinking, creativity and world class making to grow our clients’ business. This will revolutionize the office. We’re so excited to have them.”

Read more about Darla, Auro and how the united force will employ Unexpected Works to transform the office at Ad Age.

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