DDB reintroduces Doyle Dane Bernbach with new visual identity

DDB unveiled a new visual identity globally that captures the essence of who we are as an agency and is an outward symbol of our thinking, our work and our people.

Using the agency’s full name, Doyle Dane Bernbach, within the mark, was a deliberate decision. As other agencies are commoditising their agency names and turning away from their founding principles and visions, DDB is doubling down on the values that Doyle Dane and Bernbach founded our agency on – creativity and humanity.

To this day, Bill Bernbach remains one of the most creative and impactful people ever to work in the advertising industry. His thinking, his ideas, and his words color the agency’s presentations, halls and most importantly, the work DDB produces.

Highlighting the creativity and interconnectivity of the worldwide DDB team, the evolved logo was created internally by the DDB design team – serving as a great example of the agency’s design capabilities.

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