DDB San Francisco President John McCarthy on Building an Office of the Future

DDB San Franciso President John McCarthy recently spoke to Little Black Book’s Addison Capper about how he has positioned the agency as an agile creative partner. He shares how he is borrowing practices from the digital design industry, radical collaboration that brings clients into the creative process and how the agency’s proximity to Silicon Valley shapes DDB SF as an ad agency. He also spotlights a recent piece of work for Energy Upgrade California, an SMS text-based platform called ‘Goldie,’ and an unexpected place for the agency to show up.

“We’re doubling down on how we can bring Unexpected Works to life and continue to prove that belief across the market. It’s certainly something that our clients instinctively know, but it gives them a very simple lens through which they can evaluate and appreciate the thinking that we bring to the table. I love it. It feels like it’s a call to experiment. We need to be the ones who are constantly looking at that next new, unexpected horizon that others don’t see yet. And that part is where I get really inspired and excited.”

Read more here.

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