DDB Sydney Appoints Sheryl Marjoram as Group CEO

Sheryl Marjoram is returning to Australia after two decades in the UK to become DDB Group Sydney CEO. Marjoram’s role will span the breadth of DDB Group agencies operating in the Sydney market, including creative agency DDB, digital agency Tribal, customer and data shop Track, PR agency Mango, and healthcare specialist DDB Remedy.

She is the McCann Worldgroup UK Chairwoman for Conscious Inclusion and, this year, was named one of AdAge’s Leading Women in Europe.

Says Marjoram: “This new position demonstrates DDB’s deep confidence in the role brand will play in continuing to propel businesses forward. I’m looking forward to playing a part in that, alongside the wonderful people across DDB Group. I plan to get a proper nap on the plane because when I land, it’s game on.”

Says DDB Australia and New Zealand CEO and President Andrew Little: “I am blown away by the calibre of talent and energy Sheryl brings to this role. She is a force of nature and world-class operator who will drive collaboration across the entirety of DDB Group Sydney, and give her all to our people, our work, and our clients.”

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