DDB Sydney Named World’s Best Agency

For the first time ever, DDB Group Sydney has been named as one of the top eight agencies in the world on Contagious’ Pioneers list.

It was the only agency across Asia-Pacific featured with some remarkable company: AMV BBDO London, AnalogFolk London, BETC Paris, Publicis Milan, R/GA New York, Rethink Toronto, and Uncommon Creative Studio London.

It doesn’t get much better than Contagious dubbing us DDB Sydney of the “best and bravest agencies on the planet”, and editor Chloe Markowicz saying: “What unites each one of the 2022 winners is that they created work that was bold, ambitious, and memorable, the kind of advertising you see and wish you had come up with.

“This year’s crop of agencies created trailblazing work that stands out, truly fitting the accolade of a Contagious Pioneer.”

Read more here

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