DDB Welcomes Micheline Grace Lewis as Chief People Officer, DDB North America

Kicking off the year with more awesome news – welcoming Micheline Grace Lewis as the new Chief People Officer, DDB North America

Roisin Rooney, DDB Worldwide, Global Chief People Officer said: “Micheline will positively fuel North America’s people and culture efforts and take them to the next level. She is a brilliant HR leader who will continuously promote diversity of thought and embody DDB’s proprietary Four Freedoms (Freedom to Be, Freedom from Fear, Freedom to Fail, and Freedom from Chaos) across all DDB and adam&eveDDB US offices. Bringing Micheline on board to further connect our staff, build culture, and lead recruitment, retention, and training will no doubt create meaningful change throughout the entire network.”

We are proud to announce the addition of a passionate and empowered leader to our team. Looking forward to all that will be accomplished with Micheline at DDB.

Read more about the announcement in Campaign US: https://www.campaignlive.com/article/ddb-north-america-hires-micheline-grace-lewis-chief-people-officer/1856364

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