DDB Worldwide Welcomes Chaka Sobhani as President, Chief Creative Officer International

DDB Worldwide welcomes Chaka Sobhani as President, Chief Creative Officer, International

We are thrilled to announce that Chaka – a dynamic, inspiring, and globally renowned creative leader – is joining the DDB leadership team come the new year.

Alex Lubar, Global CEO of DDB Worldwide, said: “Her energy is infectious, her drive is relentless, and her dedication to delivering effective creativity that fuels client growth is unquestionable. We have an outstanding creative community at DDB, and the addition of Chaka will continue to help us raise the bar on our creative product.”

A great day for DDB!

Read more about the announcement in Campaign: https://www.campaignlive.com/article/ddb-worldwide-hires-chaka-sobhani-international-cco/1849295

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