Embrace the Netaverse

It’s hard to ignore the hype around the metaverse, but as Alma CEO Luis Miguel Messianu shares, there is a different version we should all be considering.

“While I love, embrace, and can even say I’m an “early adopter” of new technologies, I’m a bit at odds with the overwhelming overload of Metaverse, NFT’s, bitcoin, crypto and all the advances of our society. Each of these come to us as sharp contrast to what the pandemic opened our eyes to: the importance of humanity, the resilience of humankind, the rearrangement of our priorities: health, family, home, kindness, transparency, and harmony.

So, as we start 2022, a year in which everyone is talking with a sense of anticipation about the “exciting” perspectives of the Metaverse, I want to suggest a slightly different version:

‘The Netaverse.'”

Read more here

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