Haunting anti-gun PSA is an ode to the parents who lost a child

The holiday season is supposed to be carefree, a time to surround yourself with joy and cheer, family and friends. But when there’s a school shooting, all those feelings are stripped away.

That reality is depicted in the latest PSA by youth-led anti-gun violence organization March for Our Lives. Created by St. Louis-based DDB agency Rodgers Towsend, the chilling 30-second video depicts the floor of a classroom — desk legs, children’s jackets, toppled backpacks, and paper snowflakes blanketing the ground — as shell casings fall.

The camera pans across the room in a continuous shot as the impact of the casings is timed to the tune “Carol of the Bells.” The PSA ends with a haunting message: “The greatest gift we can give to our children is action.”

Read more here. 

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