How Leadership Transcends Gender Norms featuring Juie Shah
DDB Chicago’s Juie Shah is featured in Campaign US on how actually expecting different leadership styles from men and women limits leadership in general. Juie finds it frustrating that often society provides an expectation for how women should act, speak and perform in the workforce, and how gendered assumptions impact who we are and how we can truly make our best impact.
She writes: “For leadership to embody an evolutionary and inclusive approach, it must adapt and evolve in sync with changing societal expectations.By challenging biases, leadership can evolve to be more responsive, inclusive and effective in navigating the complexities of our modern world.”
She ties this to DDB’s Four Freedoms, in which “The Freedom To Be” comes into play within this discussion. We need to challenge stereotypes and recognize and appreciate the diverse traits all individuals encompass and bring to the table. This then undeniably paves the way for more effective leadership.
Read more here.