Maggie Garrison and Marianna Eboli Bolster DDB’s Global MarComms team

DDB Worldwide has announced that Maggie Garrison has joined the global advertising network as Associate Director, Communications. Garrison joins DDB to manage North America internal and DEI corporate communications. In addition, DDB Chicago staff member Marianna Eboli has been promoted to Global Social Media Manager.

Garrison will report directly in to DDB Worldwide Global Chief Marketing & Communications Officer Donna Tobin on North America-focused marketing communications, DEI initiatives, corporate partnerships, social responsibility, and internal and cultural communications. Eboli will report into Lindsay Bennett, Global Head of Marketing who joined the Global MarComms team with Tobin earlier this year.

Tobin said: “Both Maggie and Marianna add an incredible amount of positive energy, strong collaborative mindsets, and solid communications and social media backgrounds to our growing DDB Global MarComms team. I am absolutely thrilled to have them join our team at such an exciting time with so much momentum happening across our global DDB network.”

Read more here

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