Omnicom’s 2021 Corporate Responsibility Report – “Responsibly Relentless: Progress at Scale”

Omnicom’s 2021 Corporate Responsibility Report – “Responsibly Relentless: Progress at Scale” – is out. During a year of transformation, our collective global networks and agencies remained committed to creating a positive and lasting impact on the world. Visit Omnicom’s website to learn more about the progress made in 2021 across four focus areas: People, Community, Environment and Governance

“Omnicom’s exceptional and diverse teams delivered some amazing results in support of our clients in 2021. At the same time, our colleagues around the globe made time to contribute to their communities in many meaningful ways. This report documents our efforts to further develop a dynamic and diverse workforce, support our communities, manage our environmental footprint and ensure strong governance.” – John Wren, Chairman & CEO

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