Pepsi Shares the Story Behind Its Brilliant Burger-Wrapper Ads by Alma DDB

Sometimes an ad idea is so perfect, creatives find it almost painful to look at. It fills you with a mix of admiration, jealousy and tentative optimism that you’ll think of something so pure for a client someday.

That’s been a consistent reaction to Pepsi’s newest work from Miami-based agency Alma DDB since the newest executions in the soft drink’s #BetterWithPepsi campaign debuted.

While the visual—Pepsi’s logo revealed in the crumpled folds of easily identifiable hamburger wrappers—is spot-on, the work is amplified by its counterintuitive message: that Pepsi is better with burgers from chains that notably don’t serve Pepsi at all.

It’s a combo that immediately gotten consumers curious and left creatives downright wistful in their appreciation.

To learn how the ads came together, Adweek caught up with Todd Kaplan, Pepsi’s marketing vp. He shares how the work fits into the brand’s ongoing, challenger-minded campaign— and how the work was a product of a creative partnership with Alma.

Read more on Adweek.

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