When Budgets Are Cut, How Can We Save DE&I From the Chop?

Recession, hyperinflation, cost of living crisis, unprecedented times – all phrases that we’ve heard ad nauseam for the last few years, and seemingly will do for the foreseeable future. Harsh economic conditions affect all walks of life and all industries across the globe, and with global growth predicted to slow to 2.7% in 2023, it appears that the international financial outlook is only getting worse. In fact, in October last year, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) declared that “this is the weakest growth profile since 2001, except for the global financial crisis and the acute phase of the covid-19 pandemic.”

Hear from Nikki Lamba, Global Chief DE&I Officer at DDB Worldwide and JUAN L. ISAZA, President of DDB Mexico & VP of Strategy and Innovation at DDB Latina on how business can continue to invest in DE&I initiatives.

Read more here

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