
A message around the right to motherhood for female athletes

DDB Spain | Mother


In many cases, brands, sports clubs, and other sponsorships suspend support to female athletes when pregnant cutting their salaries or terminating their contracts outright.

As part of its social responsibility, LaLiga, one of the top international professional football leagues, and other noteworthy brands sponsor “Heroes of Today,” a platform that fights injustices in sports.

To fight for a more egalitarian sport, brands like LaLiga, one of the top international professional football leagues, and other noteworthy sponsors wanted to be a pioneer in denouncing this problem by collecting the stories of pregnant sportswomen who have been abandoned by other brands.

The story is told from the perspective of a baby inside her womb, exclaiming with indignation at how his mother is deserted. Once the baby is born, the shocking truth is revealed: One in three pregnant athletes suffer abandonment and discrimination.

Finally, with her cesarean scar healed, we see her competing at the Olympic Games. The film closes with the line: One dream is for the brave, and two are for heroes.


The film received immediate praise and was selected to be broadcasted across the AMC Networks Group (AMC, Sundance, DARK, Hollywood Channel, among many others).

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