
Turning fear and worry into peace of mind and joy

Africa | Brahma

Brahma is the official beer sponsor of the Brazilian Carnival. And our goal as a brand is to give the audience a flawless experience of the world’s biggest party. But there’s a problem that has already stopped 75% of Brazilians from enjoying Carnival: the fear of having their ultra-modern and expensive phones stolen.

To put an end to this worry, we created the Brahma Phone. A low-quality phone for revelers to leave their expensive phones at home and enjoy Carnival with a phone that nobody would want to steal.

With the activation of the Brahma Phone, Brahma saw a 7.5% increase in sales compared to the previous year’s Carnival. Moreover, it changed the way Brazilians enjoy Carnival: turning fear and worry into peace of mind and joy.

As a result, Brazilians further solidified their perception of Brahma as a brand that not only sponsors but truly understands Carnival and Brazilian revelers.

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