Whatever your interests, the V&A has something for you

adam&eveDDB London | V&A

Most people in the UK have heard of the V&A but less than a third were familiar with the museum and its collection. Further qualitative research revealed our audience didn’t think the museum had anything relevant to their interests.

The campaign had to familiarize this audience with the museum as a focus group discussion would. In short, we had to prove the V&A was relevant to people’s interests.

Our communications therefore aimed for relevance at all costs through forensic targeting, matching objects from the collection to the kinds of people who would be most likely to be interested in them.

The campaign gained 37 million impressions as a result of online virality and widespread coverage in national press, which was 98% positive. Searches for the V&A shot up 23% over the course of the campaign, and searches for the campaign’s featured items in the V&A collection went up by up to 12,000%. There were more than 300k engagements with the campaign’s content on social media.

“If you’re into it, it’s in the V&A” successfully changed perceptions of the museum. People are now 47% more likely to say the V&A is a place for me and 51% more likely to say it’s relevant to them. Awareness increased by 28%. But the campaign didn’t just shift opinion, it changed behavior too. People are 56% more likely to recommend the V&A to someone and 37% more likely to visit.

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